After School Activities
  Name: Orchard Hill Church Phone:
  Address: 2551 Brandt School Rd
  Wexford , PA  15090
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Visit our website for more information about all of our ministries and events.
Orchard Hill Church
"An Inter-Denominational Christian Community"
Click Here to visit our website.
Orchard Hill is an inter-denominational Christian community that exists to serve the Pittsburgh region. We are committed to being authentic seekers and followers of Christ. Whether you are searching for a church home or just beginning to explore the claims of Jesus, Orchard Hill offers a source of help and encouragement.

Summer Fun for Kids:
KidsFest Xtreme is a summer funfest for all kids entering first through sixth grade. For one incredible week, your child will experience high-energy music, skits, sports, water fun, Bible stories and more.
Ministries and Events:
The ministries of Orchard Hill provide numerous opportunities to meet in small groups and build relationships while growing in your faith. With ministries for men, women, singles, students and children, as well as community groups and special events, there is something for everyone.
Care and Support:
We are committed to helping others by offering support to those facing difficult life circumstances. In addition to our Prayer and Care Response Teams, support groups are available for:
  • DivorceCare
  • GriefShare
  • Serenity
    © 2012 LLC